Earnest, empathetic, industrious, unpretentious, gay Virgo in Milwaukee with a great life, amazing friends, and a wonderful family.
Holiday fun with Lesley

My fantastic friend Lesley from
Los Angeles is visiting Milwaukee. Yesterday we met for lunch, did some shopping at
Bayshore, and had coffee. It's always a real treat to spend time with Lesley. She is an incredibly caring and supportive friend; I don't know what I'd do without her. Fortunately, we have the kind of relationship where no topic is taboo and there's mutual care and understanding. As usual, we hashed over all sorts of issues. I talked with her about why no guys respond to my
Yahoo or
Match profiles. She's going to take a look and give me some suggestions. She also recommended keeping my responses to
other guys short and to the point. It's possible that I reveal too much upfront. I'm willing to listen to any advice that might help me find a boyfriend.
Our general response to people or things that trouble us is for me to say, "it's because you're Jewish and I'm gay." Or Lesley says, "it's because I'm Jewish and you're gay." That is the reason why we were not selected to be the honorary marshals of the Parade of Dreams at Disneyland.
I'm quite pleased with these photos of us. Lesley, we look FAN-TASTIC! Love you, honey.
No need to reshoot the latest Gap commerical or print ad. You are all set babes. Hellos to my favorite LA Jewish gal! I will miss you this Christikkah Season. Love, Boots
Look how cute these pictures are! I'm sure there are lots of girls out there that would date gay Jewish guys. Wait, I mean, guys that would date gay Jewish girls ... OK, now I'm confused.
xxoo, Ruben
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