
Earnest, empathetic, industrious, unpretentious, gay Virgo in Milwaukee with a great life, amazing friends, and a wonderful family.
Well, I'm officially single again. Not by my choice, but because Bobby can't handle a relationship for a variety of reasons. It wasn't my decision, but I can see how it's for the best. I know what I want in life, and he's very confused about a variety of things. He's just not capable emotionally of handling a committed relationship at this time. I would have gladly made a long-term commitment to him. Actually, I had. He couldn't do the same.
"Excuse me, Madam. You're standing still in a no parking zone. If you don't get a move on that body, I'll be forced to give you a ticket. So get with it!"
William or Harry? Good question. This is the birthday card that Barbie gave me, knowing my interest in the British Royal Family and my crushes on both William and Harry. Is the question rhetorical? Or can it be answered? I'd like both, actually. If I had to answer it would depend on the circumstances. For a long-term relationship, I'd definitely pick William. He's more mature, stable, and would seemingly be the better husband of the two. Plus he earned a college degree. And he seems like a decent, nice, and caring guy. For one night or a weekend of passion, I'd definitely pick Harry. I'd guess that Harry is like a wild stallion in bed. And he has an amazing body. Plus this redhead (at least when I used to have hair) has never been with another redhead, so that would be interesting.
I'd be fortunate to have either one come my way.