I'm a long-time fan of
Vivian Vance, the actress who played Ethel
Mertz on "
I Love Lucy." Vivian was a truly amazing comedic actress. Not to take anything away from Lucille Ball's genius, but it's just as difficult to play the second banana, which Vivian Vance did with talent and aplomb for years. I think that I'm similar to Ethel
Mertz in that I'm probably not clever enough to hatch my own schemes, but I'm gullible enough to go along with other people's
hair brained ideas. I can think of numerous occasions when I've said to one friend or another, "Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time." Knowing of my affection for Vivian Vance, Lesley's Christmas gift to me was the t-shirt pictured above. You can see Lesley and me when she gave me the gift and then a photo of my friend Kat and me on New Year's Eve when I was wearing my Vivian Vance University t-shirt. Here's to you, Vivian, wherever you are!
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