Obscurity Knocks

Earnest, empathetic, industrious, unpretentious, gay Virgo in Milwaukee with a great life, amazing friends, and a wonderful family.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


I haven't posted in a while. I guess I took time off over the holidays. Plus I believe that many bloggers are narcissists. It's difficult for me to write so much about myself, partly because I think that my life isn't very interesting, but primarily because I find other people much more fascinating than myself. At least one of the blogs I read regularly is written by someone who is likely a narcissist. I suspect that many bloggers have narcissistic tendencies. I dated a narcissist in 2000. And the most severe narcissist I ever met was a guy I dated briefly in late 2005/early 2006. Thank God that guy is out of my life.

I enjoy writing about other people more than writing about myself. However, I have to be careful about what I write on here and not reveal anything a friend might not want made public. So my dilemma for this blog is how to balance all of that. I'll try this balancing act in 2007.


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