Obscurity Knocks
Earnest, empathetic, industrious, unpretentious, gay Virgo in Milwaukee with a great life, amazing friends, and a wonderful family.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Introducting: Neil

I'm pleased to report that I have a boyfriend. It must be official because we're listed as "in a relationship" with each other on Facebook. His name is Neil, and I think that he's fantastic. We've had eight dates over the past four weeks, and all signs are positive. Here's a few photos from one of our dates when we went ice skating at the Pettit National Ice Center. I'm awfully excited about Neil and where this is heading. Stay tuned...

Why I love "Runner's World"

I love "Runner's World" magazine because they consistently feature hot guys on the cover, as you can see above. I'm particularly taken with Dante Spencer, a 32 year-old runner from Los Angeles who graced the March 2009 issue. Woof! He is so freaking hot. If I lived in Los Angles, I'd do everything in my power to run into Dante. My only quarrel with the people at Rodale Press who publish "Runner's World" is that they make these guys shave their chest hair, and sometimes leg hair, for the photo shoot. Why? Looking at Dante's face, eyebrows, legs, and arms, you can tell that he would have a hairy chest. So why did the people at Rodale make him shave it? Yes, it's sexy in the photo, but it would be even hotter if he had stayed away from the razor. The same is true for the guy from the April 2009 inside cover. I can't locate his name because I already gave this issue away to a friend, but I think that his last name is Hounslow, he's 26, and he's from England. Again, you can see from his arms, head, and eyebrows that he would have a nice hairy chest if the folks at Rodale didn't make him shave it.
So people at Rodale and "Runner's World," keep the hot runners coming on your covers, but throw those razors away!
mint brownies

A couple of weeks ago I went for a long weekend visit to see Bill and Mary Ellen, my uncle and aunt who live in Ponte Vedra Beach, near Jacksonville. I forgot my camera, and the only photo I got was from my phone of Mary Ellen with her homemade mint brownies. She gave me the recipe, and I've made them twice already here in Milwaukee. I shared them with her son and my cousin, Andy, and his girlfriend Lindsay.
Ruben and Mark

Ruben, Mark, and I have an annual tradition of not watching the Super Bowl and instead watching something really gay. It started in 2006 when we watched "Absolutely Fabulous" episodes. Ruben and Mark love that show; I don't care for it. In 2007 we all enjoyed a screening of "9 to 5" starring Dolly Parton, Jane Fonda, and Lily Tomlin. In 2008 we watched "Die Mommie Die" and "Psycho Beach Party," the Charles Busch camp classics. How could we get more gay than that? Well, Ruben accepted the challenge this year and outdid himself. We watched the DVD of "Rufus Does Judy at Carnegie Hall," Rufus Wainwright's tribute to Judy Garland's legendary concert at Carnegie Hall on April 23, 1961. I couldn't believe how much I enjoyed Rufus's tribute, largely because it was a genuine homage to Judy Garland and not pure camp. True, there were some campy elements, but it was the real deal. Not that I have anything against camp, but you don't mess with Judy or the great American songbook. I just love the songs from Judy and Rufus's Carnegie Hall shows. Amazing. They don't write songs like that anymore. How can you not love "Stormy Weather," "The Man That Got Away," "Zing! Went the Strings of My Heart," "San Francisco," and all the others?
I'm not sure what we'll do in 2010, but we'd better start formulating a plan now, because I'm not sure what can be more gay than Rufus Wainwright doing Judy Garland's Carnegie Hall concert.
karaoke wrap-up

Me singing "We Belong," the Pat Benetar classic
With my trusty backup singers. With apologies to Pat Benetar.
Lesley sings "Papa Can You Hear Me?" from "Yentl"
Great job, Honey! I know it's an autobiographical song for you.
more karaoke

Japanese grocery store

The karaoke place we went is next door to a Japanese grocery store. They don't sell alcohol in the karaoke place, but they don't mind if you bring your own in. So we stopped at the Japanese grocery store and stocked up on some Japanese beer as well as way too much Japanese candy. Here's a few shots of us clowning around in the store.