My friend
Nate's life has come full circle. He was born in Columbus, then lived in:
Batavia (IL), Milwaukee (where we met at M__ University in college), Japan (5 years), Brooklyn, Manhattan, Orange County (CA), and now he's back in Columbus.
I made my first visit to Columbus earlier this month. Nate and his sister call it "the C-Bus." It's a nice city that reminds me in many ways of Milwaukee, but without Lake Michigan. Plus Columbus has the state capital and The Ohio State University. Even though Milwaukee is larger than Madison, Madison has the state capital and the University of Wisconsin. So maybe my comparison is off a bit.
In any case, Nate has a very nice new condo in a leafy inner suburb of Columbus. As always happens when we get together, we had a lot of laughs, gave each other a significant amount of grief, and had an all-around fun time. We've known each other for so long that neither one of us lets the other one get away with anything.
While I am pictured holding a bottle of Riuniti lambrusco wine, we did not purchase this bottle. But I wasn't aware that Riuniti was still in business. And I'm not much of a wine snob, so I would probably drink Riuniti lambrusco if someone served it to me. Alcohol is alcohol, right?
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