Earnest, empathetic, industrious, unpretentious, gay Virgo in Milwaukee with a great life, amazing friends, and a wonderful family.
Abby and George update

Here's a picture of Abby and George taken earlier this month. I used it on my Christmas card. Abby will be 2 in early February and George is now 2 months old. I gave Abby a Sit 'n Spin for Christmas. The Sit 'n Spin was one of my very favorite toys when I was a little boy. Unfortunately, she has yet to figure out how to use it correctly. She tries to sit on the part that you're supposed to use to turn. I think that she'll eventually figure it out. It was fun to watch Abby's reaction to Christmas. I think that she was a bit overwhelmed by everything, but she seemed to have a good time.
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