'Nevermind' 17 years later

Has it really been 17 years? Wow. I was a freshman at M__ University in the fall of 1991 when I first heard the song "Smells Like Teen Spirit" from Nirvana's "Nevermind" album. Dave Kendall played the video for the first time on MTV's "120 Minutes," a program that I dutifully recorded on VHS tape each Sunday night.
I was intrigued by the song, particularly the title's reference to Teen Spirit deodorant, but I didn't care for it much musically. Even though Nirvana became the band and the Seattle grunge sound swept college campuses and took over alternative and college radio, I never warmed up to Nirvana. During those years, I was much more into The Ocean Blue, The Judybats, Morrissey, Blur, Northside, The Farm, 10,000 Maniacs, Electronic, and the Trash Can Sinatras.
The photo above shows Spencer Elden re-creating the iconic "Nevermind" album cover 17 years later. I think it's cool that Spencer is a fellow redhead.
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