Are You There, Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea
I'm gay, which means I'm supposed to love and worship Chelsea Handler. But I'm more of a Kathy Griffin gay. I've never gotten into Chelsea. My sister-in-law lent me Chelsea's book, "Are You There, Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea." I found parts of the book entertaining and funny, but others were either boring or even cringe-inducing. I enjoyed the chapter about her dating a redheaded guy, even though her attitude about redheaded men is deplorable yet emblematic of how it's acceptable to make fun of redheads in our society. The story about Chelsea and her dad on a trip to Costa Rica was funny. Some of the others, such as her clearly exaggerated story about spending a night in a Los Angeles jail and another about a dinner in the dark in London, were self-indulgent. Then again, I suppose that's the whole point about Chelsea - it's all about her. Maybe I need to watch her TV show sometime to understand Chelsea better. Score: 4 of 10.