While in Victoria, Sara and I went whale watching one morning with the
Prince of Whales (love the pun) people. I forgot to bring my camera, but these photos from the P of W web site show the exact zodiac boat we were on and the red suits we wore. A zodiac boat can really move fast. Our
group was fortunate to find J Pod, a group of about 40
orca whales. It was a real thrill, particularly since the whales came quite close to the boat.
I sat next to the man I want to be my husband. Unfortunately, I don't even know his name. He was about 30, my height and weight, with beautiful dark blond hair, cerulean blue eyes, and a soft-spoken voice that made me melt. He grew up on Toronto, but has lived in Halifax for the past few years. He has an undergraduate degree in marine biology and knew all sorts of interesting facts about the whales that he was kind enough to share with me. After working in marine biology for a while, he realized that it's difficult to progress beyond the job of being a whale watching boat driver and guide. So now he's finishing up a doctoral degree in food science and technology specializing in beer. I think he attends Dalhousie University in Halifax, but am not sure. He was attending a convention of beer brewers in Victoria doing some networking and trying to learn more about job opportunities for when he finishes his degree. Given his field of study, he was familiar with Milwaukee and this city's role in the beer industry. I was entranced for the full three hours not only with the whales, but with my new friend. We had some nice conversations, but then the whale watching experience ended. Chances are he's straight, which is why I didn't give him my contact information. A boy can dream, right? Just thinking of him makes me smile, although I wish I could see him again. But alas, I don't even know his name. Halifax Guy, if you somehow come across this post, please email me!
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