I am 34 today
Today is my 34th birthday. I can remember when I thought that 34 was old; not anymore! True, it's not young, but it's hardly old. The fact that I don't have a boyfriend on my 34th birthday is potentially depressing, yet I'm not down at all today. I'm fortunate for many, many reasons: I'm healthy; I ran 20 miles yesterday and it felt good; I'm going to run my fourth marathon on October 7; I have a good job and great co-workers; I had a delicious birthday dinner with my parents, brother, and sister-in-law last week; I had a birthday dinner at Classic Slice last night with John M., Sarah French, Kelly, Mandy, Jennifer E., Michelle, Ruben, Mark, Dave H., and Barbie; and Nate and Lesley both called today to wish me a happy birthday. I'm truly grateful for my loving friends and family - that's the best birthday present of all.
Officially, on the blog, in written form-- Happy Birthday!! Welcome to the 34 Club. Boots
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